Free, Prosperous & Resilient Pacific Communities

PEUMP Programme


The Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership (PEUMP) programme supports sound ocean and coastal governance with a focus on biodiversity protection and the sustainable use of fisheries and other marine resources. With European Union and Swedish funding, the PEUMP programme was launched in October 2017 and focuses on gaps in fisheries science; fisheries development; coastal resources and livelihoods; illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing; ecosystem- based management; biodiversity conservation; and capacity building at national and community levels.
Marine resources are the backbone of the Pacific region’s economies and form the basis of men and women´s livelihoods in Pacific Island countries.
Economically, oceanic fisheries are vital to the region as: a) a source economic growth and government revenue;
b) a source of decent employment for women and men and small business opportunities. The European Union is the main market for the cooked tuna loins produced in Pacific processing plants.
Coastal fisheries are vitally important at the community level, providing food security, livelihoods and income for small-scale fishers with more than 60% of households in coastal areas relying on fishing as a mechanism to increase resilience and reduce vulnerability.
Overall, the PEUMP programme aligns with all regional priorities and strategic documents, including the
Regional Roadmap for Sustainable Pacific Fisheries and A new song for coastal fisheries – pathways to change.
Main objectives
The programme’s overall objective is to:
Improve the economic, social and environmental benefits for 15 Pacific ACP states (PACPs) arising from stronger regional economic integration and the sustainable management of natural resources and the environment.
The specific objective (outcome) is to:
Support sustainable management and development of fisheries for food security and economic growth, while addressing climate change resilience and conservation of marine biodiversity.
Key result areas (KRAs) and agencies involved
The programme covers six KRAs. Its overall management is coordinated by a Programme Management Unit (PMU) based in Suva, Fiji.
Four main agencies are implementing six programme KRAs through a multisectoral approach: (1) The Pacific Community (SPC), which is the lead agency for the programme and is responsible for its overall management,
(2) The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA), (3) the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) and (4) The University of the South Pacific (USP).
Given the scope and breadth of the PEUMP programme, agencies are working with and through partners in some areas of implementation: The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), The Locally Managed Marine Area (LMMA) Network, the Pacific Islands Tuna Industry Association (PITIA) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Other partnerships may develop during the implementation of the programme.
EU PRISE and PEUMP Programmes Launch Promotional Video

â–ª What we do â–ª
High quality scientific and management advice for oceanic fisheries provided and utilised at regional and national levels
Lead agency: SPC

Sustainable management of coastal fisheries resources and ecosystems improved through better quality scientific information, legal advice, support, mentoring and empowerment at the community level
Lead agency: SPC
Main Partner: LMMA

Sustainable utilisation of the coastal and marine biodiversity promoted through improving marine spatial planning; increasing climate change resilience; and enhancing conservation, mitigation and rehabilitation measures
Lead agency: SPREP
Main Partner: IUCN

Inclusive economic benefits from sustainable tuna fishing increased through supporting competent authorities and strengthening private sector capacities to create decent employment
Lead agency: FFA
Main Partner: PITIA

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing reduced through enhanced monitoring, control and surveillance of both oceanic and coastal fisheries; improved legislation; access to information; and effective marine area management
Lead agency: FFA
Main Partner: WWF
Capacity built through education, training and research and development for key stakeholder groups in fisheries and marine resources management
Lead agency: USP

Programme Management Unit
Strengthening gender and rights-based approaches across all KRAs through positive change to peoples livelihoods, in particular, women, youth and the most vulnerable groups.
Overall reporting and financial management, as well as communications and visibility of the PEUMP programme
Integrating and mainstreaming gender and human rights-based approaches across the programme
Providing technical assistance for the delimitation and negotiation of maritime boundaries
Lead Agency: SPC
Programme genesis
The concept of the Pacific-European Union Marine Partnership programme was launched under the 11th European Development Fund in October 2017 on the occasion of the ‘Our Ocean’ Conference hosted by the EU in Malta, with the signing of the Financing Agreement for the programme. The Delegation Agreement for implementing the PEUMP programme was signed in Nauru on 5 September 2018 at the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting. The partnership is being implemented in 15 Pacific-ACP countries with a total budget of € 45 million, made up of € 35 million from the EU and a € 10 million co-financing contribution by the Government of Sweden.
For more information, visit their website: https://peump.dev/
Contact Us
Martin Chong
Programme Manager, PEUMP martinc@spc.int
Stewart Chape, Programme Coordinator stewartc@sprep.org
Graham Pilling Deputy Director FAME (Oceanic Fisheries), SPC grahamp@spc.int
Lavenia Tawake, Project Coordinator lavenia.tawake@usp.ac.fj
KRA 2 & 4
Kim Edou,
Ocean Programme Manager Cooperation Unit, European Union for the Pacific kim.EDOU@eeas.europa.eu
Andrew Smith Deputy Director FAME (Coastal Fisheries), SPC andrews@spc.int
This website is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.